Events at Dryden Fish & Game Club and in the area

2024 Spring Rifle Range Clean-Up

Dear DFG Club Members,

I would like to thank all Club members that came today to help with our annual cleaning. Many thanks! I deeply appreciate your commitment to maintaining and improving our range. The range is a community resource and without your help it simply would not exist. There was a lot of work scheduled for today, but a lot of people came  and therefore despite lots of work to do we managed to finish by 12pm, and what is more important the workload was manageable. You can see pictures from our Clean-Up below.

  1. Trash removal. All the trash was removed and dumped into dumpster. The range is now clean, please keep it like that going forward!
  2. The benches have been cleaned and painted.
  3. Anti-wasp mesh under the benches was repaired and re-attached as needed. We have discovered one small wasp nest underneath one bench, they need just tiny opening to get in. Please be careful and double check before using benches.
  4. Horizontal 4x4 on 25-yard target has been replaced.
  5. The vertical post on 25-yard target has been reinforced with two 2x6 planks on both sides. With those the target post should still last at least a year.
  6. Rubber flaps on 25-yard target have neem replaced, while flaps on 50 and 100 yard targets were cleaned and re-attached.
  7. We have built three ned portable targets. Couple weeks ago, Eric, our Club member, built two portable targets using the remains of the old ones (see pictures, those are the ones with rubber flaps). He also took away shatered remains of the old ones and some trash. Thank you very much!
  8. 100 yards steel target plate has been replaced, we also hanged an older one with one good hole on a portable target frame at 100 yards.
  9. New range rules sign has been installed.
  10. Thanks to generosity of our Club member we have now lots of buckets for trash. Plese use them diligently so no trash is strew across the ground!

Now that the trash is removed the range can be mowed again!

Again: thank you very much for your support. Let's make sure the range stays in the best possible condition!

DFG Rifle Range Master

Dear DFG Club Members,

It is time for our annual Rifle Range Clean-Up!

I have collected the responses (thank you very much for responding!) and Saturday June 15th is preferred: more members are able to come on this day and the weather is supposed to be much better.

Therefore our 2024 Rifle Range Clean-Up is on Saturday June 15 10am. Please consider coming!

This year the range is in relatively good shape, thank you very much for your good husbandry. The bridge we put in place last year is in very good shape. As expected, the portable targets are destroyed, but we will build new ones.

Here is the list of tasks I would like to propose for this year. Please let me know if you would like to add, change, or modify the list.

  1. Trash removal. We need to clean all the accumulated debris from the range (entire range). I will provide trash bags; we will need some rakes and brooms (leaf rakes work best for brass). It is very important to remove all solid objects scattered on the ground, otherwise mowing will be impossible.
  2. Paint the benches and tables with stain/wood protector. Unfortunately, the previous paint is peeling out, so we will need to remove it first. We will need a grinder or two, or some other suitable tools. To run the grinder, we will need a portable generator, or a very long extension cord. If you could bring any of those, please let me know. I will provide the paint/stain and brushes.
  3. Repair anti-wasp mesh under the benches, I still have some mesh left from last year.
  4. Replace horizontal 4x4 on 25-yard target.
  5. Brace the vertical post on 25-yard target with two 2x6 planks on both sides. With those the target post should still last at least a year.
  6. Replace rubber flaps on 25-yard target, possibly on 50-yard. I will bring the rubber flaps.
  7. Rebuild all three portable targets, I will bring pre-cut lumber, we will need to build them.
  8. Replace 100 yards steel target plate - I will bring one, we just need to hang it.
  9. Replace the sign with range rules, the current one is in very bad shape. I can print and laminate the rules, but maybe we can do something more permanent? Let me know.
  10. Make sure there is one trash bucket per bench, if possible, to minimize trash spilling over the ground. If you have any bucket you don't need, please bring it, the best are about 5gal pales/buckets, but anything in similar size is good.

There will be a lot of debris and trash to haul away. Please let me know if you have a truck registered in Tompkins Solid Waste Center, I may need help hauling the trash there, some may not fit into my SUV or to Club's trash container. I will of course pay all the fees for the trash.

It would be extremely helpful to have some extra tools and materials. For benches we will need a grinder and portable generator. We will need leaf rakes, regular rakes, and a broom for cleaning. It would be helpful to have extra cordless drills with screwdriver bits to work on portable targets and hanging rubber flaps.

Best regards,


DFG Rifle Range Master