Events at Dryden Fish & Game Club and in the area
25 Targets per Week Starts: Tuesday, December 12 9-12pm or Thursday December 14 3-7pm
Thursdays 3
Tuesdays 9 Teams will be picked after the third week Shoot ahead or make-up
** RULES **
1. You must shoot for score first, then you may practice.
2. You can shoot ahead or make up.
3. The top two scores will make up the team score for the week.
4. There will be 16 shoots and the shoot-off.
5. You must make 12 shoots to qualify for the shoot-off.
6. There will be a 50 target shoot-off in the spring.
Any shoot-offs thereafter will be 25 targets.
To be eligible for High Gun you may miss TWO,
and ONLY TWO shoots during the league. Any missed shoot must be made
up the week immediately following the missed date. (If NOTE:
League scores will be shot on Trap #1 (in front of the
club) and will have preference over practice squads. If
required, practice will be shot on Trap #2. |